1. Giant Gift Give-Away, a baptism service, and part 3 of "What A Name" series is all this Sunday.
Gift Give Away
At the Eastside location this Sunday, any child between the ages of 2 and 12 years old that attends the 11am will receive a gift (while supplies last). That's right, all you have to do is show up and every child that attends receives a gift at the Eastside location.
At the Neighbourhood (Ogden) Location every child that is signed up and registered for a service will receive a Gift.Sign up by contacting us via phone, email, or facebook messenger (links below)
2. Christmas Eve Candle light service
December 24th at 6pm at our Eastside location you and everyone you know are invited to come and adore the King of Kings with a traditional candle light service.
3. Office hours - Our offices are closed from December 25th to January 12.
4. Our Church service times are temporarily changing for the Christmas weekend .
We have decided to gather together Friday the 24th of December instead of the Sunday the 26th. That means for one Sunday only (Dec. 26th) services will be cancelled and then continue as planned January 2nd
5. Fasting and Prayer in the New Year
Join with us in starting the New Year off right. From January 9th to January 30th we will be on a Daniel fast and will be inviting our community ot join with us as we pursue the heart and will of God and give Him our first and best.
We are so glad you came. We'd love to get to know you.
Sign our guest book by filling out an online connect card
Your Generosity Is Changing Lives