The Goal: To build up people into everything God has called to be.
The How: Mentorship. Jesus Discipled through mentorship. People typically grow as they go. There has to be movement for direction and momentum to happen. Pour your life out for the people you take with you in ministry.
1). Recruit (Vision)
A). Hard ask
B). Announcement
C). Random sign up
2). Place in their graceA). Using talent, gifting, ability
3). TrainA). Orientation Video
B). Training Video
C). Orientation for first time
D). Handbook (app and paper)
E). Huddle (Be prayed up and ready to minister with your team)
4). Organize: Schedule + CommunicateA). Schedule using breeze
- update volunteer profiles
- Add them to ministry tag
- Schedule them in the event
B). Message them in breeze
5). RewardA). Leader must attend the Lead team meetings
B). Leader must contact and check in with every team member once a month (individually)
C). Leader will meet with one team member once a month and give them a thank you card and gift.
D). Leader must lead a huddle, teach one church value, and pray
6). MultiplyA). Get an apprentice - Never work alone