Team Lead 

The expectations of the leader of the team.

Victory Outreach

Team Lead Expectations

Why Do We  Serve?

We serve and place extreme value on ALL people because Jesus has left us this example.
Jesus teaches us in the Gospels that leadership is servanthood.  Jesus Himself did not come to be served, but to serve. In the same way, when you come to church, prepare your heart to serve those around you. In God’s Kingdom, the greatest are those who give of their time, talent and treasure to serve those around them. Every person matters to God and you have the opportunity to change the world, one life at a time. There is no replacement for sincere kindness exchanged from one person to another!

“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”                                        
- (Jesus) John 13:15


The Goal: To build up people into everything God has called to be.

The How: Mentorship. Jesus Discipled through mentorship. People typically grow as they go. There has to be movement for direction and momentum to happen. Pour your life out for the people you take with you in ministry.

1). Recruit (Vision)
A). Hard ask
B). Announcement
C). Random sign up

2). Place in their grace
A). Using talent, gifting, ability

3). Train
A). Orientation Video
B). Training Video
C). Orientation for first time
D). Handbook (app and paper)
E). Huddle (Be prayed up and ready to minister with your team)

4). Organize: Schedule + Communicate
A). Schedule using breeze
  • update volunteer profiles
  • Add them to ministry tag
  • Schedule them in the event
B). Message them in breeze

5). Reward
A). Leader must attend the Lead team meetings
B). Leader must contact and check in with every team member once a month (individually)
C). Leader will meet with one team member once a month and give them a thank you card and gift.
D). Leader must lead a huddle, teach one church value, and pray

6). Multiply
A). Get an apprentice - Never work alone


To Show The World Who Jesus Is.


1). Love. Love God and Love People
2). Outreach: Outward not inward.
3). Build People. People are the Church.
4). Multiply. We refuse to merely maintain, but multiply.
5). Serve. The pathway to significance is through servanthood. We want to serve like Jesus.
6). Community. Life is better together,
7). Real. We want to be a place where real people encounter the real JESUS.
8). Speak life. We will have the praises and the perspective of God on our lips at all times.
9). Fun. Jesus is our Joy. Nothing is more enjoyable then serving Jesus with people you love.
10). All In. We are big faith, big thinking, bet the farm, risk takers. We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living.

The Code Of Conduct

The Code of Conduct
1). Respect (language, physical violence)
2). Sobriety
3). Modesty
4). No social clubs (We’re here to serve)
5). Fulfill the duties laid out in the Volunteer handbook for your specific area

Incident procedure:
Take it to your team lead and then you and your team lead can take it to the site pastor and then to whom ever necessary

Emergency procedure
  1. In case of Fire meet in front of the building at nearest intersection
  2. In case of violence or threats with weapons lock yourself in the room you are in and get on the floor.