Why Do We Serve?
We serve and place extreme value on ALL people because Jesus has left us this example.
Jesus teaches us in the Gospels that leadership is servanthood. Jesus Himself did not come to be served, but to serve. In the same way, when you come to church, prepare your heart to serve those around you. In God’s Kingdom, the greatest are those who give of their time, talent and treasure to serve those around them. Every person matters to God and you have the opportunity to change the world, one life at a time. There is no replacement for sincere kindness exchanged from one person to another!
“I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.â€
- (Jesus) John 13:15
Role: Check In
Arrive early for team huddle (9:00am) and prayer (9:30am).
Stay at post for the entirety of the service.
Message will be streamed directly to the baby monitor device provided.
Operate Breeze. Kids will be checked in and out of our Breeze database.
Newcomers. A sign in sheet will be given to newcomers to be filled out immediately. (Move them to the side and continue checking other kids in. After they have finished, write the new childs name on a name tag and stamp the tag with number and then give it to the child. Stamp the parent on their inner wrist with a number that matches the stamp on the child’s tag. The parent then can simply come back at the end of service to collect their child/children. This will substitute the barcode tags for the week. After check in is over, add the new children and parents info into Breeze and link them.
Professional Atmosphere. Create a safe space and do you best to make families and kids feel valued and protected.
Hall Monitor. Watch the kids room doors and ensure that no one is going in or out without permission.
Communication. Check in person is responsible for contacting the parents or team lead when required for discipline or other reasons.
Clean up. Check in person is responsible for safely returning the Ipad, printer and other supplies to the team lead. Put away the table and vacuum mat.
If an incident occurs
Get the check-in person to go text the Team Lead (Melissa Jeffery) to come down and if necessary, involve the site Pastor and Parents.
If there is an abuse accusation from the child against their parent(s), contact the Team Lead and they will handle it appropriately.
Washroom policy
Please ask the parents to assist in the smooth running of the classroom, by ensuring their child has been to the washroom before coming to class.
-Use the natural transition times in the class to ask if anyone needs to use the washroom.
-A volunteer will always take at least 2 children to the washroom. This means if 1 child asks to go, ask the other children if they need to go.
-The volunteer will stand at the door while the child is in the washroom.
-Unless a child requires assistance with the tap, the volunteer will remain outside the main door.
-A volunteer will never enter a toilet cubicle alone with a child.
-A volunteer should never help a child wipe or change a diaper.
(For the Kids class, children may walk to the bathroom, with the permission of the teacher.)
In Courageous Kids, we strive to maintain a safe and fun environment for all the children. Sometimes we find that children will act out in class for a variety of reasons i.e. nervousness, over excitement, tired, first time visitor, or just plain having a really bad day. Teachers will encourage the child by telling them the behaviors they would like to see, but if a child continues to act out, these are the guidelines we will follow.
The teacher will calmly let the child know that this is their first warning and if they do not follow the classroom expectations, their parent/guardian will be brought to the room to talk to them.
If the child acts out again, get the check in person to contact the parent/guardian and ask them to come to their child’s classroom. The teacher, with the child, will explain what is happening in the class. Then the parent will be asked to talk with their child about their behaviour. Afterwords, the child may participate again in the classroom.
If disruptive behaviour continues, get the check in person to contact the Parent/Guardian again and calmly explain that they will need to keep their child with them for the remainder of the service.
Kids Store
The kids store is a great way to reward the kids and create expectation and excitement.
Create hype and anticipation for the kids store regularly.
Have the kids kash readily available during question time to hand out to kids who answer correctly.
Kids get given kash for different things, there will be a sign on the wall for your convenience.
When you are almost out of kash, contact your team lead immediately and they will restock your supply.
Please explain to the kids that they earn and save their own kash. On the last Sunday of the month the store will be open for 15min at the end of class. The check in person will be acting as store host and will exchange kash for prizes. Please ensure the children are in an orderly line up and a helper will supervise their return to the classroom after store experience.
1). Love. Love God and Love People
2). Outreach: Outward not inward.
3). Build People. People are the Church.
4). Multiply. We refuse to merely maintain, but multiply.
5). Serve. The pathway to significance is through servanthood. We want to serve like Jesus.
6). Community. Life is better together,
7). Real. We want to be a place where real people encounter the real JESUS.
8). Speak life. We will have the praises and the perspective of God on our lips at all times.
9). Fun. Jesus is our Joy. Nothing is more enjoyable then serving Jesus with people you love.
10). All In. We are big faith, big thinking, bet the farm, risk takers. We will never insult God with small thinking and safe living.
The Code of Conduct
1). Respect (language, physical violence)
2). Sobriety
3). Modesty
4). No social clubs (We’re here to serve)
5). Fulfill the duties laid out in the Volunteer handbook for your specific area
Incident procedure:
Take it to your team lead and then you and your team lead can take it to the site pastor and then to whom ever necessary
Emergency procedure
- In case of Fire meet in front of the building at nearest intersection
- In case of violence or threats with weapons lock yourself in the room you are in and get on the floor.