ExpectationsGoal: Leading kids to be fully devoted and brave followers of Christ.
Role 1: Courageous TeacherCome prepared for class. If you are prepared then your frustration level will decrease and the level of class engagement will increase.
Refrain from lecture style teaching. Instead use object lessons, games, crafts and lots of discussion time. Please ask and we will help!
Greet all children first and then the parents. In Courageous Kids, the children are the most treasured guest and your goal with each conversation is to make them feel that way. Also be ready to provide or find answers for the parents.
Know names.
Please make sure you and the children are wearing name tags in your classroom and that you use the children’s names whenever possible and encourage them to use yours.
Play and interact with the children. Through play you will build a relationship with the children and they will trust and respect you for it.
Use positive language to redirect a child. Tell them what you would like them to do (Bob, please walk quietly in the classroom) rather than what not to do.
Worship time is for worship. Be a positive role model to the children as they learn to worship. They will engage as you engage.
Encourage the children. DON’T tease the children. They may laugh when you tease them, however, it does not promote a respectful environment and they usually laugh because they are nervous and do not know how to react. Get to know them through play and conversations.
Do not hesitate to ask a parent to remain in the class with their child or take their child out of the class if the child has been warned once and parent has been paged once already.
Role 2: Courageous Helper (Youth)Helping the children stay focused on the teacher and ensuring participation. (With shy or new kids, this may mean sitting with them and helping them feel more comfortable. With louder more disruptive kids this may mean sitting between them, leading one away from the other, working closely with them or redirecting their energy.)
Electronics should never be seen. You’re here to focus on the kids and even looking at your phone to check the time is disruptive.
Set an example. Be available to the teacher for whatever they need and be a role model of correct behaviour and participation.
Clean up. You as the helper are responsible for clean up at the end of class. You are free to ask the kids to help to earn extra kids kash.
Sweep and mop.
Take out the garbage - Bin at the back of the building.
Turn off projector and computer.
Put away supplies neatly.
Wipe down tables, chairs and counter tops.
Tidy up washroom.
Vacuum rugs.
No Gossiping. We do not tolerate speaking badly about anyone. No gossiping in or out of the classroom. (If you have an issue, take it directly to your team lead.) Foul language or discussion of inappropriate topics will not be tolerated.
During the week:
Go over the lesson plan for the week.
Go to http://kidsandyouth.themeetinghouse.com and sign in with the log in
[email protected] Password: precious1
Click on the PRESCHOOL tab at the top of the page.
Scroll down and click “Current Seriesâ€
Select the correct age group to preview or download documents.
Sunday:9:00am - Team huddle.
Read over the lesson plan, lay out supplies, make sure you understand the activities. Pray and prepare your heart for ministry.
9:30am - Head upstairs for Prayer.
9:45am - Check in begins. Go downstairs to welcome the kids (high-five) into the classroom as they’re being checked in and interact with parents.
10:00am - Worship starts (Both classes in Kids room)
10:15am - Begin free play (Classes separate)
10:30am - Bible lesson (Children need to sit on their mat and listen)
10:45am - Craft
11:15am - Game/Free play
11:30am - Lunch
Post Service:
Youth helpers clean up and prep room for next week.
Sweep and mop.
Take out the garbage - Bin at the back of the building.
Turn off projector and computer.
Put away supplies neatly.
Wipe down tables, chairs and counter tops.
Tidy up washroom.
Vacuum rugs.
PolicyIf an incident occurs
Get the check-in person to go text the Team Lead (Melissa Jeffery) to come down and if necessary, involve the site Pastor and Parents.
If there is an abuse accusation from the child against their parent(s), contact the Team Lead and they will handle it appropriately.
Washroom policy
Please ask the parents to assist in the smooth running of the classroom, by ensuring their child has been to the washroom before coming to class.
-Use the natural transition times in the class to ask if anyone needs to use the washroom.
-A volunteer will always take at least 2 children to the washroom. This means if 1 child asks to go, ask the other children if they need to go.
-The volunteer will stand at the door while the child is in the washroom.
-Unless a child requires assistance with the tap, the volunteer will remain outside the main door.
-A volunteer will never enter a toilet cubicle alone with a child.
-A volunteer should never help a child wipe or change a diaper.
(For the Kids class, children may walk to the bathroom, with the permission of the teacher.)
DisciplineIn Courageous Kids, we strive to maintain a safe and fun environment for all the children. Sometimes we find that children will act out in class for a variety of reasons i.e. nervousness, over excitement, tired, first time visitor, or just plain having a really bad day. Teachers will encourage the child by telling them the behaviors they would like to see, but if a child continues to act out, these are the guidelines we will follow.
The teacher will calmly let the child know that this is their first warning and if they do not follow the classroom expectations, their parent/guardian will be brought to the room to talk to them.
If the child acts out again, get the check in person to contact the parent/guardian and ask them to come to their child’s classroom. The teacher, with the child, will explain what is happening in the class. Then the parent will be asked to talk with their child about their behaviour. Afterwords, the child may participate again in the classroom.
If disruptive behaviour continues, get the check in person to contact the Parent/Guardian again and calmly explain that they will need to keep their child with them for the remainder of the service.
Kids Reward System
Children get a sticker for good behaviour and when they fill out their sticker chart they get to pick a toy from the bin.
If you notice the bin needs refilling, please contact your team lead immediately.