Phil 4:4-5 (ESV) Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand.
God commands us to take joy or to Rejoice, in Him. His word doesn’t say, when you feel like it, when your circumstances are going well, then rejoice in the Lord. There are no qualifications and no one is excused from this command, we are all supposed to rejoice in him, so lets talk about how we are supposed to do this.
1.) Since God commands us to rejoice, in spite of our circumstances, it must be important. Why would God want us to take joy? Are there any benefits to joy, and if so what are they?
(Proverbs 17:22, Nehemiah 8:10)
2.) If being joyful is so good for us, how can we walk in joy more often? There are people that suffer like the Apostle Paul, in jail. And yet they have joy, and then there are others who seem to have it all, and battle with depression. How do we get, and keep joy in our life more often?
(Psalm 16:11, Colossians 3:2, Hebrew 12:2)
3.) Jesus was able to look past the cross, past the shame, the hurt the agony of the crucifixion and was able to see JOY on the other side of that.
A.) What did Jesus see on the other side of the cross that he was able to see joy through such a terrible circumstance? (Psalm 16:10, Jer 29:11, Luke 15:7 {it was the cross that paved the way for people to come back to Jesus})
B.) What can we learn from Jesus in order to see Joy in the midst of our circumstances?
4.) Have you ever had an experience when you felt like you should have been defeated, like you had nothing left and yet through keeping your eyes on God, He seemed to give you supernatural Joy and strength to get through that season? What was that like?
When we get discouraged because something negative comes our way, it can seem like that struggle is killing our joy. Most of us probably have at least one area in our life that we are struggling in, that is discouraging and seems to be killing the joy in your life.
The bible tells us to bear one another’s burdens, so lets go around and pray with one another especially in this area of joy in our lives. Let’s pray for the things that seem to be stealing our joy and to get break through in these areas!